A review by meganlowe87
Desperately Seeking Roommate by Micalea Smeltzer


3.5 stars.

Where to start with this book? I think it’s a solid book, with a few quite large flaws.
Lou. The preoccupation with her weight, and the fact that she keeps going on and on and on about it gets really tiresome. I like that she’s strong and sassy and owns who she is but she doesn’t need to keep going on about it. It’s also contradictory because when she’s with other people all of that disappears. The doubts she has come so easily and again are at odds to who she claims to be.
I liked Abel. He’s a great character. I liked the honesty he had with Lou and she had with him.
I liked Tanner but wanted more of him. I thought he would play a bigger part than he did.

But, there’s flaws.
I’m kind of annoyed that this book is set in the same town as all of Micalea’s other books. I want a new town!
Also, this book reads very young. And why is it such a travesty to be single in college?

In all, this is an okay book.