A review by librovermo
Zeitoun by Dave Eggers

Did not finish book. Stopped at 18%.
DNF - Before I started this book, I read the truth about Zeitoun. He’s a horrible man who has done horrible things. He’s been arrested several times. He’s abused his wife and tried to have her killed. He’s just a terrible bastard and when he dies the world will be better off. 

Zeitoun likely lied about most of the events in this book. Knowing that, but also knowing that I spent money on the book, I decided to read it as fiction. I imagine the events depicted in the book at least loosely mirror some experiences of other people who suffered through Hurricane Katrina, so why not read and learn about them?

But I can’t do it. The writing is great, I just hate reading about Zeitoun being a beloved member of the community and a loving husband and father when I know he isn’t. I can’t force myself to read that as fiction. 

I can read another Dave Eggers book. I can Read and learn about the events of Hurricane Katrina in many other ways. This is not it.