A review by countessjess
The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True by Richard Dawkins


The Magic of Reality is the first Dawkins book I’ve read, but I feel like it was a good introduction to his works. Relatively short and easily digestible, this book is perfect for a quick read between tasks. Dawkins addresses a number of things that many people have little scientific understanding about, and introduces each chapter in a very nifty fashion: by describing some of the myths people have come up with over the years to describe the phenomena. After this humorous introduction he goes on to explain what actually occurs in a way that is both scientifically sound and understandable, even for those with no science background.

I may be a little biased, being a science student and overall science geek, but I really did enjoy this book. Dawkins’ writing style flows together quite nicely and even if you know how one of the processes work he writes it in a way that makes it still engaging to read.

Really, I think the thing that makes this book stand out is its wonderful contrast between myth and reality (hence the title!) It very neatly wraps up, too, that everything has a sound explanation, even if we are yet to find out what that explanation is.