A review by kpetras
Song of the Red Squire by C.W. Blackwell


A slowly rising roller coaster

Okay so - you know when you ride a large roller coaster, the first part of the ride is usually a slow climb up a hill to get to a massive drop? For me, the beginning of the story was that sort of build-up, inching higher and higher and higher, until you're suddenly over the edge and not sure how but the world is upside down and did we go left or right and oh shit lost my heart somewhere 30 feet back.

C.W. Blackwell is phenomenal at placing little breadcrumbs at the beginning of the story that turn into satisfying payoffs in the final pages. With characters the reader will inevitably come to love/care about, fantastic scene building, and an ending that I needed to go back through several times just to appreciate all the twists and turns again.

The end will have you question what all is real and what is not, and now I need more people to read this story so I can debate my theories with someone else.

If you're a fan of noir and all things spooky, I highly recommend this story. Can't wait for what Blackwell does next.