A review by mehsi
Greta Zargo and the Death Robots from Outer Space by A.F. Harrold


Cake, aliens, and a girl who is dedicated to get her article on the front page!

I just love Middle Grade Mystery books + add to that the cover, and I just had to try this one out! And I quite loved it.

I quite liked that we went from Greta's story (and the cake mystery) to see how the aliens destroyed many planets for the sake of information (couldn't they just have left the planets alone instead of killing everything?). Sure, the alien stories were often quite a bit eyerolling (due to how the aliens were all getting screwed because of the robots and their inability to understand stuff), but I still quite liked reading them. I was quite interested in how it would end for Earth (and well, I have to say it ended quite anticlimactic, I had expected a bit more given the title).

I think my favourite parts were the cake mystery parts. I just adored Greta (though I do hope she gets a bit more diversity in her food. Toast for dinner is OK once, but all the time? No.), this girl sure knows how to get a scoop. She is also not afraid to reveal the truth, no matter how harsh or gossipy it may seem. Too bad that got her in trouble more than once, but at least she doesn't give up.
I was a bit disappointed at who she thought was the whodunnit. Sure, it was a great idea, and kudos to her trying, but I knew straight away what it may be or what it could be.
I also loved that this girl just tried out everything she could try (maybe also mostly because what is mentioned in the last will of her parents). Climbing trees? The higher the better. New hobbies? Sure!

I had a laugh why the robots thought they had to go to Greta to ask for the planet. Welp, nicely done parents. :P

Bonus points to Greta's aunt who just makes the best inventions (though the squirrel was maybe a bit too much, especially given how big it was).

The notes/extras on the sides/margins? Around halfway I just gave up on reading them. Not only did I have to flip the book all the time just to read them (which was annoying, just put them at the bottom), but they also distracted me from the story. Some were quite long, and by the time I had read one I just had lost track of the story. :( So yeah, nice idea and those that I did read were quite nice, but the fact they were rotated and hard to read... no.

The book was also filled with fun illustrations, I just love the style of them. They fit perfectly with the story + I love the character designs. I hope to see more of Joe Todd Stanton's art in books in the future.

So all in all, I really enjoyed this book and I hope to read more Greta Zargo books! Definitely recommended!

Review first posted at https://twirlingbookprincess.com/