A review by jennywedde
The Complete Novels by Jane Austen


1. Pride and Prejudice ***** Such wit (but I will admit the only reason it falls above Emma is the constant beautiful nostalgia I felt given my obsession with the film and the tv-series from the age of ten)

2. Emma ***** Such a heroine (I love her and all her faults endlessly)

3. Persuasion ***** Such social commentary (Mature and elegant, yet intriguing)

4. Sense and Sensibility **** Such drama (Lived for the plot twists)

5. Northanger Abbey **** Such a plot (Gothic satire is now a new fav genre of mine)

6. Mansfield Park * Such a bore (I know I'm not alone in saying that Fanny is the most annoying and sad "heroine" I have ever encountered)