A review by befsk
Fallen by Lauren Kate


The more I think back about this book, the less I like it. There were too many things that struck me afterwards as being annoying. Like, for instance, the school Luce attends is meant to have 80 students, yet only around 10 are ever mentioned. And no one else's back story as to how they came to be in the school was explained despite probably being interesting. Probably more interesting than Luce whining on about Daniel for hundreds of pages anyway.

SpoilerToo many things are left unexplained, also, like Daniel and Gabbe's conversation during the party, or Trevor and Todd's deaths, or who the hell turned up for the angels and demons to pretend to be their families at Parent's Day, and yes, I realise this is a series of books, not a stand-alone, but so many things were left out that it was hard to keep track of things that were happening or their reasons for happening.

It threw me off that Luce was so obsessed with Daniel and kept referencing the last boy she'd been obsessed with, the one that ended up dead. Yet through Luce's obsession, Penn kept encouraging her despite Penn knowing all about the last obsession and how wrong it went, having read Luce's file.

Daniel's hot and cold attitude didn't help anything at all, and ended up being annoying and unhealthy rather than charming or attractive. The writing wasn't utterly terrible, don't get me wrong, but I couldn't help but feel the whole creepiness of the school and the possible craziness of the minor characters were underused to make way for Luce's freaky stalker behaviour and Daniel acting like he was bipolar. I liked Cam, I liked Ariane, and there needed to be more Roland, because seriously anything would be better than Luce complaining or more of Daniel treating Luce like something he'd stepped in. Not the greatest love story elements. Luce really needed to grow a pair.