A review by storieswithsoul
Where I Found You by Heidi R. Kling


It's a great YA novel. I quite enjoyed reading it. Story is interesting and it's very well-written. Characters and places are also well-written, which makes it all the more entertaining to read. I think any YA fan would love this book, it's definitely a must read story, especially for those who enjoy novels grounded in reality.
Sienna is a teenager who is scared of the sea and planes. Her fear started when her mother's plane disappeared over the Indian ocean. She hasn't flown since then. Now that she turned seventeen her father decides that it's time for her to stop living in fear and embrace reality. Her mother is gone but they are still here, the world is still here, and it needs their help. Her father wants to go to Indonesia to help people who have suffered tremendous loss after the tsunami. Their team, which is called "Hope" will work with the orphans and help them deal with their loss. At first Sienna is not happy about the trip but when she thinks about it she decided that it is the right thing to do, most importantly it is what her mother would have done. Indonesia is an entirely different world for her. It's nothing like home, but she is here to help and she will do her best because now that she is here she can see how much these people need it.
Deni is an orphan who is not like other boys there. Sienna finds him very attractive and very interesting. Soon they start spending time together. She realizes how much she is beginning to fall in love with him. But they are not meant to be together. They have nothing in common except perhaps grief on loosing their families. She hasn't recovered from the loss of her mother so she understands how these children might feel. She hates the word orphan, however, that's who they are. When Deni finds out that someone back in his home city is looking for him he decides to go back. It could be his father and he might not be an orphan after all. It is not as simple as the teens think though because adults have different opinion and no one is willing to help Deni look for his father except Sienna. So they runaway... but will they find something worth looking for or not is another question entirely.