A review by stephaniesteen73
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain


As an extrovert married to an introvert, I approached this book as an anthropological experience: what is this species? how do they operate? I've known pretty early on in our relationship that we are, in fact, vastly different in our communication styles and this was definitely borne out by the book.

I was blown away by how readable it was, especially given the vast array of scientific data. It was such a wonderfully written book that I actually had pangs of sadness that I wasn't an introvert. They are so amazing, deep and misunderstood while we extroverts are just loud, brash and obnoxious!

Alas, I fell into the extrovert trap of constantly reading aloud passages of the book to my introvert, which he made sure to call me out on. Oh well, count me in the segment of the population that can't stop talking.