A review by phoenix2
A Torch Against the Night by Sabaa Tahir


A Torch Against The Night is the second book of the "An Ember in the Ashes" series and it picks up right after where the first book left off.

This time, the narration is through a three POV format, which was pretty perfect, as it gave the reader an insight into the political arena that the two main characters left behind. Also, Helene turned out to be a great character, changing from the convenient third party in a questionable love triangle, to a strong lead with her own background story.

The story itself, in addition, was enjoyable at first, but got a bit tiring towards the ending. The big twist was indeed shocking, though, looking back now, I was indeed baffled by the speed at which was relationship was progressing. So, yes, the clues were there, but one can't pin them down that easily, which made the twist even more unexpected and startling.

Finally, the writing is enjoyable and the characters are showing more potential as the chapters go by.