A review by sabregirl
Doctor Who: The Silent Stars Go By by Dan Abnett


This is probably now my favorite Eleventh Doctor book! It had a lot of elements of the series as well as bringing in some from the originals. It felt a lot like an original Dr. Who episode with lots of twists and turns, broken up companions and individual missions. I love that the Ice Warriors were featured, they aren't around that often and I always enjoy them when they pop up. The twists in this book were nice ones. Some of them were easy to guess like the Morphan's calling emanual their savior and it just being an electronic manual. Those were easy but the big one with them building the place for their ancestors who were hibernating was a big surprise. Seems like an Old Who twist! The only thing I didn't like is that at a couple of points in the book Eleven seemed to take on Ten's characteristics and he has never shown them before. But still awesome book.