A review by a_ab
Changeling by Molly Harper


This was nice and fun, but a bit too much like a gender reversed Harry Potter. There are notable influences from other sources too, which interfered with my enjoyment of the story - it seemed too obviously frankensteined from elements of popular books. Normally that isn't a real problem, when done well, but here the seams were showing too much. I also felt like the author missed opportunities to spin and explore the borrowed elements to make the borrowing justified.

Most characters felt rather flat, too. I am hoping that this is the consequence of either the first-book-in-a-series plight (too much set up and too many character introductions need to happen in first books - not enough space to give depth) or of the fact that we are seeing this world and the characters from the perspective of a very young, sheltered and not very well socially adjusted girl. I wonder whether the next book solves or exacerbates this problem.

It's entertaining enough for me to consider reading the second book in the series, but I don't see myself excreting much effort to make it happen.