A review by mkindness
Batman: The Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul by Grant Morrison

I liked the general story, but a few bits confused me:

When the White Ghost fell into the Lazarus Pit, I thought his body became the new host for Ra's. We don't see him for quite awhile, but we do see the bandaged Ra's. Then, all of a sudden, White Ghost is back and Ra's is saying his host body was Sam Tang. Who the heck is that?

At one point Ra's says he's either going to transfer his mind into Damian or Robin, but later, Batman says any transfer would need a blood relative, so how was Robin ever a possibility?

In the last section, right before Ra's permanently transfers himself into the White Ghost, WG's hair is all of a sudden short. At first I couldn't figure out who that was. WG always had the long flowing hair.