A review by bookstorian
The Husbands by Holly Gramazio


I have seen this novel floating around on Bookstagram for a few days and so it was a serendipitous moment when I found it at my favourite Harry Hartog store. 

+ I first fell in love with the premise of the story, the idea that new husbands kept appearing and the world continued to change each time. Felt a bit like The Midnight Library as the character got to live out her sliding doors moments. 
+Found the world and the intricacies of it intriguing. The magical realism used was certainly fun! 
+Some of the 'action' scenes were so well written! My palms were sweaty and I wanted to close my eyes and look away. 
+The overall message of the story and the pitfalls of continually looking for something better, or "I'll be happy when.." mentality was powerful. The importance of our shared history with others was part of this too. 

- There were A LOT of characters to keep track of, just as the front cover promises (203 husbands!) so it did get a bit confusing at times, especially when the character would reflect back. Felt like I needed a character list. 
-I found at the half way point that I was waiting for something a bit more dramatic to happen, the plot did feel very repetitive towards the middle. Perhaps the book shouldn't have been so long?

I have mixed feelings about the ending too, the resolution didn't feel complete to me, there was something missing. 

If you're looking for something fun to read and a little bit different, I highly recommend this read. 

"She doesn't always like the new versions of herself, but they helpher understand the edges of who she might be" pg237