A review by babeygrape
The Au Pair Affair by Tessa Bailey


Tallulah Aydin is relearning to embrace her adventurous spirit when she returns to school in Boston and takes on the au pair gig offered up by Burgess Abraham, professional hockey player and father to a moody tween. The sexual tension between Tallulah and Burgess is off the charts as they relentlessly flirt with one another and unavoidably become romantically attracted to one another once Tallulah recruits Burgess to help her with her own version of a bucket list. 
Tallulah and Burgess's relationship was deliciously steamy. Burgess's way of supporting Tallulah quietly from figurative sidelines and Tallulah supporting Burgess loudly from literal sidelines, the two reflected love and encouragement. Both of their growth from their own separate traumas was touching to read, although I wish we got to see more of Burgess and Tallulah relying on their friends as those were some of my favorite moments in this book! I particularly missed Tallulah and Josephine's friendship.
Tessa Bailey continues her reign as the queen of writing men who 1. admit they are in love first and 2. are ready to propose marriage after a week. 
Thank you to Tessa Bailey for hot single dads dedicated to orgasm donations and to Avon and NetGalley for the eARC.