A review by bittersweet_symphony
A History of God: The 4,000-Year Quest of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam by Karen Armstrong


Armstrong has a dizzying intellect and draws from a mind-boggling body of texts and volumes to summarize this complicated--and convoluted--concept. This took me a few months to finish. I have an article linked below, which expounds more upon Armstrong's defense of a particular form of Mystical Agnosticism. Her argument contrasts with the warring between theists and atheists over a literal and historical God. These debates should mostly be left behind, for they prove detrimental, or distract us from experiencing the unknowable and transcendent Other.

I'm moving her up in my reading list, having bought 2 more of her books, including her short volume on the history of Myth.

You can read my in-depth review "As Believers and Atheists, We Need Deeper Reverence for Mystery"t at Erraticus.