A review by jessdone
Death's Dancer by Jasmine Silvera


This book had an interesting concept. I really enjoyed uncovering the mystery and different struggles for power happening in this world. It's definitely a fun ride.

The Writing: Wonderful prose that is lyrical and mesmerizing. It's clear Silvera spent a lot of time thinking about how to describe the dancing and action scenes. Her detail and research is appreciated. Several of her descriptions struck me as unique and fitting.

Characters: Isla has a unique personality. She's interesting and would stand out on her own as a person I'd want to read about even if she wasn't a God dancer helping to power a necromancer. After the last few books I've read with cardboard characters, it was very refreshing to have a protagonist whose motivations made sense and were consistent with a personality the writer sets up.

The love interest is pretty generic, but the people surrounding him all have interesting stories and reactions. I'd love a spin off series of shorts (or full novels) that tell the story of how they came into the love interest's service.

World: The world itself is probably the weakest part of the novel. It starts off strong and intriguing, but in the middle Silvera adds a ton of elements that begin to make her world more standard for urban fantasy. Jamming these elements in seemed rushed and also lost some of the shine this book had. I didn't dislike additions, but it felt so unlikely that a God dancer wouldn't know more about the supernatural. It really had me second guessing the world around Isla. I think the introduction of some of the later elements was too rushed and if Silvera had been able to slow down, these revelations would have fit with the rest of her tone and feel more organic.

The final arch has elements that are contrived, but by that time, I was so drawn into Isla's life, I didn't care.

Overall this is an excellent debut novel. The summary given doesn't do the story justice, and I'm really excited to read more from Silvera in the future.