A review by jenwilder
Little Disasters by Sarah Vaughan


Could not put this book down. Read it in a few sittings and been thinking about it since.
Sarah Vaughn writes
Jess is a mom struggling with post party depression, anxiety and OCD. Being a mom that struggled with PPD I felt for her, related to her thoughts and didn’t think she was “crazy” as some people in the book thought or would in every day life because I know how it can consume you. The rest of the characters were easy to like because though they had their faults they were relatable. I found myself wanting to be in this group of friends. Be there to offer advice and have their shoulder to cry on.
The tension in the book continues to the very end with an unexpected twist that also created a very satisfying ending.
This is a great book that focuses on struggles that many women are dealing with today and are still not talked about enough. It shows how we all face our own demons and a support network is necessary. I think this is a great
Read for all especially for those moms who think they are alone in the battle.
Thank you netgalley for the advance copy.