A review by mwgerard
How to Write Anything: A Complete Guide by Laura Brown


This hefty compendium doesn’t seem to have left anything out. Brown has compiled a resource that covers it all. Beginning with the more typical — thank-you note, cover letter, letter of recommendation — Brown also examines best practices for business Facebook updates, a note to the babysitter and divorce condolences. Each heading has a description of the item to be written and an example of what not to do, and what one should do.

Brown approaches each item with six steps: purpose, reader, brainstorm, organize, draft, revise. And, in general, I think most people forget the first two. What is your reason for writing this down at all? What will it accomplish or convey? And, secondly, who will be reading it? What do they need to take away from it?

Please support independent reviewers and read my full post here: http://mwgerard.com/accent-how-to-write-anything-by-laura-brown/