A review by book_concierge
My Life in France by Julia Child, Alex Prud'homme


Audiobook read by Flo Salent Greenberg

From the introduction: This is a book about some of the things I have loved most in life: my husband, Paul Child; la belle France; and the many pleasures of cooking and eating. It is also something new for me. Rather than a collection of recipes, I’ve put together a series of linked autobiographical stories, mostly focused on the years 1948 through 1954, when we lived in paris and Marseille, and also a few of our later adventures in Provence. Those early years in France were among the best of my life.

My reactions
What a delightful – and delicious – memoir. I really got a sense for the determination with which Julia mastered the art of French cooking, and for the enthusiasm with which she set out to impart that love of French cooking to the rest of the world. The vignettes are charming, touching, funny, exasperating, worrisome, tender, and full of the joy of life. I liked the snapshots that were included, but wish that more of them had actual captions.

Flo Salent Greenberg does a marvelous job voicing the audio version. But be careful. A friend presented this to me as a gift, and it was only after I opened it that I realized it was abridged. I was able to get a UNabridged version through my library, however. Of course the audio book cannot include the wonderful photos, either.