A review by literaryinfatuation
¡Cuéntamelo!: Oral Histories by LGBT Latino Immigrants by Julián Delgado Lopera


The stories are bittersweet; they have suffered so much in their pursuit of freedom to be themselves, to love and to survive. Poverty, discrimination, violence and substance abuse are common themes. But I say it’s bittersweet because they made a difference and found themselves, so it wasn’t all bad. I felt like a grew as a person by reading those stories but I just wished the author had interviewed a lesbian or transgender who identifies as a man or queer. I felt like those voices needed to be there. Those are the stories that seem to be hushed the most, ignored, forgotten. But like the author says in the book, it was never meant to portray the whole community but it was mostly a collection of histories of people they (Juliana) knew, their queer family. I loved the Spanglish and the reflection of different Latinx dialects.