A review by cherrymandering
The Raging Storm by Erin Hunter


"Fear tugged deep in Alderheart´s belly. The Clans are in danger, and there's nothing he can do."

Wow! Well, at least, wow in the sense that it's over. Was that really how the Erins planned to end this arc? I won't go much into spoilers because, but i will say that it didn't feel like a final book.

Raging Storm had, from the start, a hard show to follow up to. Not in the sense of quality, but storywise. Despite the road to wrap up the Skyclan joining-plot, it was a hollow walk that offered little of depht that had been built up. It felt like a third book most of the way, not a final.

I enjoyed Violetshine and Alderheart´s parts most of the time, but Twigbranch´s constant scrabble with Finleap was way too long and only made me hate that tom even more. I felt for Twigbranch every time he bugged her about kits, knowing the pain of having to insist over and over that maybe that just isn't for her. The final solution for it was poorly handled i'd say, and i really wish Finleap would get over himself.

Meanwhile i was glad to see Alderheart stand up for what he believed in and actually be listened to! It wasn't the ending his arc deserved but then again, he hardly had one to begin with besides being Jayfeather´s punchlinebag.

One thing that really bugged me about how the pov´s were divided this time was how nothing was a surprise. Only in two instances did they use the several perspectives like it should, where otherwise it was just in the way. When you've just read the chapter that tells you some cat has left or gone missing, and then the next the pov changes and now this idiot has to investigate it themselves and be super suprised when they discover what we already knew, it just gets boring. Tension is gone and so is the joy of reading it.

I phazed through it fast bc it was very predictable most of the way, but also because i've heard so much good about Broken code and i am so ready for it.

Vision of Shadows arc started out with a lot of potential, like most arcs have, but just as soon spiralled into the same issues and the same disputes, ending with the same spur of hope eventually leading into more predictable trouble.

Im so glad i didn't pay for this one.