A review by theeditorreads
Beauty and Her One-Night Baby by Dani Collins


Scarlett Walker’s water breaks one week before her baby’s due to be born, and right when she has a meeting to attend. An important one, where the baby’s father would also be there. For someone who had always had to save herself, will she depend on him in this crucial moment of her life?

Javiero Rodriguez didn’t have an inkling about any baby, and he’s in for a rude shock when he sees Scarlett going into labour right in front of him. And that too with his mother present. But come what may, he will not abandon his soon-to-be-born son and the latter’s mother. He has his reservations of ever being able to be a good father and now that the situation calls for it, will he buck up to the responsibility?

Have you ever set aside a book by Dani Collins to read another one of Dani Collins’? What I mean is that have you had to set aside a book you were reading for another new release by the same author, of course, because you love their writing so much that you couldn’t wait to pick up their most recent work! Dani Collins is one of my most favourite author in the Mills and Boon world. And when one of her titles has a smouldering hero, a sassy heroine, and a baby bonus, it is an immediate and a must-read!

This one had the most dramatic beginning. Starting with “Her water broke!”, it has now become my favourite opening line in a romance. Javiero didn’t approve of Scarlett since she worked for his father. That he’s an excellent dancer made me catch my breath, even though we don’t see that in action. At the age of thirty-three, he was the master of global financial markets and one of the world’s most eligible bachelors. In spite of being scarred and with only one functioning eye, after a tussle with a jaguar, he’s a force to be reckoned with. I was waiting to know how he faced a jaguar attack, and the reason for it was nothing short of surprising.

It’s always admirable to read about a vulnerable hero, and this one here is still healing after a vicious attack. From the very first encounter, there’s such intensity between Scarlett and Javiero that it burned the pages. Yep, even in between the baby emergency. It was endearing to see Javiero feeling so helpless while having to be with Scarlett during her labour. Or I should say just before labour.

These feuding billionaire brothers, as the author named them at first, aren’t aware of their respective offspring. Something to do with a certain Nikolai Mylonas who was a nasty piece of work. Javiero and Val (from [b:A Hidden Heir to Redeem Him|48510515|A Hidden Heir to Redeem Him (Feuding Billionaire Brothers #1)|Dani Collins|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1585735831l/48510515._SY75_.jpg|73372119]) are two brothers who spit fire whenever faced with each other.

CEO Scarlett Walker holds her own with Javiero, even when he tries to railroad her into doing things his way. Back in Madrid, she is twitchy about revealing her past to him. And conditioned from a young age to manage alone, she is finding it difficult to accept his help with anything.

This was such an emotional story. There is so much angst between the brothers. Harlequin has come of age, addressing real issues with both protagonists learning to be each other’s support systems gradually. The confrontation in the end between the brothers is one I had been eagerly waiting to read. And an epilogue two years down the lane made for a beautiful conclusion.

P.S. For more details on how The Feuding Billionaire Brothers started their journey, see here.

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Shaina's Musings