A review by livres_de_bloss
Marlene by C.W. Gortner



This author’s writing style is excellent. His biography on Gabrielle Chanel was very enjoyable and among my favourites I’ve read this year.

The problem I had with this one was not the writing style or the story but the subject herself. I simply didn’t find Marlene Dietrich to be likeable, sympathetic or endearing.
I enjoyed reading about her early years but I found the America bits boring. There was far too much name-dropping, sex, and Hollywood. It didn’t hold my interest. However, I did enjoy the sections about post-war Berlin.

The style of this story is very different from that of Chanel. This highlights Marlene’s “golden years” as opposed to her whole life story. Though the author did write a synopsis of the remainder of her life in the afterword, I can’t help but feel like Marlene’s story was incomplete compared to Chanel’s.