A review by cstefko
A Simple Heart by Gustave Flaubert


4 stars

I enjoyed this novella, which I checked out from the library on a whim. I have not read Madame Bovary (although my dad, of all people, has been urging me to read it for months now after a conversation about books we read in high school), so this was my first Flaubert. The story is kind of "slice of life," but drawn out over the main character's entire life. I liked the realistic yet playful writing style (lots of dark humor) that lets the reader draw their own conclusions. This is the second time I've read a book that featured a parrot in an important role (the other being [b:Love in the Time of Cholera|9712|Love in the Time of Cholera|Gabriel García Márquez|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1536376800s/9712.jpg|3285349]) and now I feel like more writers should utilize this fascinating species :P. Give me the parrot lit anthology!