A review by dvanhuysen
Are You Sara? by S.C. Lalli


Thank you NetGalley and William Morrow Paperbacks and Harper Collins Publishers for the advanced readers copy of this book.

While I usually enjoy two different view points this felt flat. Sara was an interesting character and I just didn’t connect with her. She made lots of strange decisions that even after explaining her reasoning made no sense to me. The other Sarah (Ellis) was more intriguing but her story line didn’t go into as much detail as I would have liked.

The premise was good but very vague. At the end I had more questions than answers. The ending felt very rushed. It wasn’t really a thriller as much as a mystery.

There were a few parts I enjoyed but overall I didn’t enjoy it. I really hated 80% of the decisions Sara made and they were so rash and confusing more of a teenagers rather than a 28 yo woman.