A review by reader44ever
Anyone But You by Jennifer Crusie


4.5 stars - great!

I really love this book. Nina and Alex are pretty great, and Fred (the dog) is just fabulous. :-) But for me, this book is not as wonderful as [b:Getting Rid of Bradley|33734|Getting Rid of Bradley|Jennifer Crusie|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1457714184s/33734.jpg|2025892] or [b:Manhunting|1450975|Manhunting|Jennifer Crusie|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1183739383s/1450975.jpg|726931] (both also by [a:Jennifer Crusie|19005|Jennifer Crusie|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1295982567p2/19005.jpg]), so it *only* gets 4.5 "great!" stars. ;-)

This story sees Nina, 40 years old, rescue Fred ("part basset, part beagle, part manic-depressive," page 33) from certain death at her local shelter (it was his last day; I cried, it was so touching). She meets Alex, 30 years old, when Fred wanders into Alex's apartment via the window that opens onto the fire escape. (Alex lives on the second floor, Nina the third, and she trained Fred to go down the fire escape to the back yard when needed.)

Here is a scene with Fred that always makes me LOL: On page 30, Fred is investigating Nina's couch.
He'd sniffed it several times since he'd arrived, but now he made a decision. His haunches quivered and tensed as he crouched, and then with a mighty leap he flung himself onto the overstuffed cushions, hanging there for a long moment, a triumph of hope over biology, only to slide slowly back to the floor and land with a soft thud as his butt failed to achieve lift-off.
He took it pretty well, considering.
LOL!!! :-)

Then we have this scene on page 38: After Charity has been introduced to Fred, he decides to show off his learning skills and jumps out the window to the fire escape, as Nina showed him how to do. He jumps outside and . . .
"Oh my God!" Charity ran to the window, Nina close behind.
Fred sat on his rug on the fire escape, looking smug.
"Part basset, part beagle, part kamikaze," Nina said.
*hehehe* :-)

So Fred was/is wonderful. And this is indeed "Fred's book." :-) Nina and Alex were pretty great, too, once they got out of their own way and just accepted each other for who they each were. :-)

I love the ending, when
everything is resolved and good and Nina and Alex are preparing for their happy ever after.
"I see Fred as ring bearer," Alex said in her ear.
And six weeks later, so did everybody else. [fin]

So this is a great book, it makes me smile many times and cry at least once, but it doesn't make me quite as happy to read it as do Getting Rid of Bradley or Manhunting, so unlike those two, this one *only* gets 4.5 "great!" stars. :-)