A review by sapphicsolace
The Navigator's Touch by Julia Ember


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Rep: sapphic mc, f/f romance

I received an arc from the publisher via netgalley in exchange for an honest review

The Navigator's Touch is the sequel to The Seafarer's Kiss, following a pirate with the element of Norse mythology. I read The Seafarer's Kiss last year and I liked it enough, though it wasn't my favourite.

So, pirate books and me tend to not get along. I don't know what it is about them but I have trouble enjoying them, and I didn't know this was a pirate book going in. 

I would say that this book was only okay for me. The plot was interesting but I wasn't on the edge of my seat. 

I kind of don't get why this book exists. It feels like a companion because it's from someone else's point of view, but it also feels like a sequel. But it doesn't really work as either. The previous book ended in a way that there could be more story to tell but it doesn't feel like the story you would've expected. The story of this almost felt out of place. 

I did like Ragna as a character and it was cool to see more of her and her backstory. But I didn't really love this, and nothing happened for the most part. It was only okay.