A review by dee9401
Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture by Douglas Coupland


It's rare for me to reread a book. Excluding different translations of the Odyssey and reading several Camus books in both English and French, I've probably only reread about 4 or 5 books in my entire life. Even if I love a book, and it's so a part of me, I won't reread it. I might glance at it or flip through to a beloved section, but that's it.

Not so with Generation X. I read this when it came out and at some time in the late 90s, probably preparing for a move, I donated the book to our local library. Now, starting off as a writer, I remember how much I loved the book and how I thought it was something written in my voice. I wanted to reread it. I bought a used copy from an independent bookstore and just finished the book last night. It was as fun and insightful this time as it was the first.

I loved the flow, the unique way of telling stories within stories, the pop culture and larger cultural changes going on around the three main characters.

Now, I am GenX myself and I could feel the emotions of all the characters, especially Andrew and even to some extent, Tobias. If you're a Gen X yourself or you're intrigued by this time and space in America, please (re)read this book.