A review by jai_98
Adam by C M Stolworthy


"Adam" by C.M. Stolworthy presents a compelling and thought-provoking short dystopian/romance novel that explores a futuristic society's struggle with (from what I understand) the human race’s ever-changing advances with medications and vaccines. While the concept is intriguing, the execution leaves something to be desired, preventing the novel from reaching its full potential.

The story revolves around the titular character, Adam, who embarks on a journey of self-discovery who has been genetically engineered to be ‘perfect’. Stolworthy delves into themes of love, identity, and the strength within individuals to live the life that they want, rather than being restricted to the life they are told they must live. The exploration of the ethical and emotional implications of genetic engineering is commendable and sparks intriguing philosophical discussions.

One of the strengths of "Adam" is the character development of Adam himself. The protagonist's transformation, as he grapples with moral dilemmas and confronts his inner demons, is captivating. As readers, we are taken on an emotional rollercoaster, witnessing Adam's growth, and making connections with his struggles. Despite this, the relationships between Adam and the other characters also feel underdeveloped, hindering the reader's ability to fully invest in their connections. I feel as though the novel could have been longer if we got to explore those relationships further and I believe that readers would feel more connection to the characters. Additionally, some of the dialogue and character interactions come across as forced and unconvincing, detracting from the overall authenticity of the story.

The pacing of the novel can be somewhat disjointed, with certain sections dragging and others feeling rushed. This inconsistency disrupts the flow of the story, making it difficult to maintain a consistent level of engagement. In conclusion, Adam by C.M. Stolworthy presents an engaging and thought-provoking dystopian tale with a well-written protagonist and immersive storytelling. However, the inconsistent pacing, unresolved plot elements, and underdeveloped secondary characters hinder the novel from reaching its full potential. Fans of the genre will likely enjoy the journey of self-discovery that Adam embarks on, but some readers might find themselves craving deeper exploration and a more coherent narrative.