A review by kori_krc
Lifel1k3 by Jay Kristoff


I struggled a bit with this. I don't know if I was just distracted while reading or if it was the book. I just had a really hard time connecting with any of the characters or caring about their struggles? The ending chapters did grab me though. I think just being thrown into this world with very little world building and just jumping into their slang was rough. I didn't really get a sense of the characters or who they were until far too late. I also felt like we really focused too heavily on Eve/Ana and not enough on other characters. I will say that the twist at the end did throw me a little bit, however, I am not a fan of the actions that came afterward (but that's not a book problem, it's more so a me being upset at the actions problem). I have a feeling that the series is going to get a little bit better now that I've been immersed in it long enough and have gotten a feel of what the world is like (kind of - but not really - more so just ignoring all my questions in hopes of finding answers but knowing that I probably won't get any).