A review by everybookadoorway
Kindling by Traci Chee

I really liked the whole concept of this story, but unfortunately it just didn’t work for me which is a shame as I really wanted to love this one.

The second person POV immediately threw me off as I’ve never read a book from this perspective before, and now after reading this book, I don’t think I ever will again. I also think that I just wasn’t able to keep up with the amount of characters that we had to follow. There were seven main characters along with side characters and I felt like most of them just kind of ended up blurring together. I found it hard to differentiate each of their personalities, and I struggled to really get invested in any of them. There were two or three characters that stood out to me more than the others, but I still found it difficult to connect to them and their personal stories. And because I was so lost with the characters, I found it really hard to engage with the plot, so I unfortunately just didn’t really care about what was happening. At somewhere around the halfway mark, I started to loose interest and it ended up taking me so long to finish because it just started to feel like a chore to get through.

Even though I didn’t love this book like I’d hoped, I do think that there are a lot of people who will! So if Kindling sounds like something you could enjoy, don’t let my review discourage you. If you’re looking for a sad book with swords and sapphics, then this one might be for you!

Thank you to Harper360YA for the ARC.