A review by _camk_
Being Brooke by Emma Hart


Being Brooke was a book all too easy to hate because of the characters and how it is so highly rated it a little beyond me to comprehend.

None of the characters are likable but Carly really.

I'm not sure if Hart was trying to write an over the top book here because this is what it is. As a 24 year old I see a bit of myself in Brooke and her hatred of 'adulting; but this is too much. I feel as if Hart is flaunting and making positive out of being a helpless and essentially useless individual. Brooke is not likable because she doesn't try. She knows someone will bail her out - she is happy not to try and learn things and eventually become less dependent on Cain. Who needs to know how to cook and clean and do basic everyday things when Cain will help.

Brookes reaction to Cain and their relationship was in no way enjoyable to read as she needs to get her head out of her ass and stop being so dramatic about everything.

Cain, in my eyes, was not believable because he seemed a little too perfect. Great looking guy who loves the most ridiculous girl on the planet. Nah, doesn't happen and he needs to be half blamed for Brooke as he does everything for her.

Nina was written as a bystanding character who is the cliche bitch blonde and it seems has been written for an easy plot - 'be a bitch so people won't root for her and breaking them up will be easy'.

This book overall is a bit of disaster - it is repetitive in it's conversation, the characters are over the top and unlikable and the book has an easy get out card towards the end in relation to Brooke suddenly
Spoiler having a talent and actually being able to do something by herself