A review by thegeekyblogger
Heart of Evil by Heather Graham


Read for Fun/June is Audiobook Month/June 2012 Series Read!
Overall Rating: 4.25
Story Rating: 4.00
Character Rating: 4.50

Audio Rating(Not part of the overall rating): 4.50

First thought when finished: I am really enjoying the Krewe of Hunters! Plus, this one is set in New Orleans!

What I Loved: Anytime you even hint that you are going to have historic re-enactments tied in with a murder mystery--you pretty much have me interested. I love that Heart of Evil weaves in historic events with a present day murder investigation. Throw in the hot chemistry between Jake and Ashley and a very fun cast of characters, this was just a downright good read!!

What I Liked: The Donegal Plantation was a great setting for Heart of Evil. It had ghosts, graveyard, swamp, and a vastness that made you feel like you had stepped back in time. I felt like the plantation itself was a character in the story. I loved Grandpa and M. Donegal--both were strong men and great characters.

Audio Specific Review: Luke Daniels hit it out of the park. I think I am officially a fan girl!

Final Thought: I recommend this series to Paranormal Mystery Readers--it only has a bit of romance (that is not the focus).