A review by confessions_of_a_bookaholic
Sleeping Beauties: An Inspector Tom Reynolds Mystery by Jo Spain


When Fiona Holland disappears the police mount a search for her, however locals in the village begin to talk. Fiona has a reputation as a wild child - was she abducted or did she run away? Soon after her disappearance Inspector Tom Reynolds is called to a crime scene. Amember of the public has made a gruesome discovery, 5 graves in a glade in the woods. As the investigation opens it seems that all of the victims have a lot in common with Fiona - they are all young women, all of whom had a similar reputation, all gone missing from nearby counties. The race is on to track down the killer before it's too late for Fiona. 

This is a great series, we're up to book 3 here so starting to get quite familiar with the main characters and their backgrounds, which is one of my favourite aspects of reading a series rather than stand alone books. 

Character wise Tom Reynolds personal story takes a bit of a back seat in this one. He's still front and centre in terms of being the main investigator, but the character development is more prominent for others in this book. I'm OK with this though, I feel like I've already got a pretty good feel for Tom so it's good to see some of the other characters getting some focus. Given some of the developments we see this in this book I'm interested to see where Spain takes the series next. 

In terms of the storyline itself it's a well thought out and developed plotline, as I've come to expect from Jo Spain. There's plenty of misdirection and potential suspects, all of whom are rather unsavoury. I found the idea that police officers would fail to investigate a disappearance properly because of the idea that the person involved had brought it on themselves quite disturbing. Unfortunately these sorts of attitudes do exist in real life, and that's even worse. 

I thought this was another excellent installement in the series, and the audio narration (Aoife McMahon) was fantastic.