A review by thebritishbibliophile
Cherry by K.O. Newman


'A satisfying conclusion to a two-part cliffhanger story, spanning across two thrillingly enticing reads. K.O.Newman is at her best here, and I'm hanging on every word she writes.

Thank you to K.O.Newman for sending me an ebook Advanced Readers Copy for me to read and leave an honest review. It's a pleasure and an honour to be on your ARC/Street Team to support you and your work.

*Trigger warning - Cherry runs with the occasional dark theme, touching upon issues/subjects such as sexual assault, light BDSM and impact play. If you are triggered by these things, please do not pick up Cherry. If you would like to read on, please take care when reading. No sexual violence happens on page as you read, but occurs in flashbacks/mentions. K.O.Newman has done a fantastic job of respectfully dealing with these dark themes with great dignity, and should be applauded for bringing awareness to them as such.

I've followed this series right from the first book, Malachai, and book by book this series thanks to K.O.'s killer writing, I've fallen more and more back into loving shifter/paranormal romances. I was a huge reader of both genres/tropes over a decade ago when reading YA novels, it was quite honestly the only thing I would read as I wasn't into mainstream romance, and I'm surprised at how things have come back in a full circle with reads such as Malachai, Lesleigh (Book Two, PT 1) and now Cherry (Book Three, part 2).

K.O. has also convinced me to give MC romances a go again. I've read the occasional MC romance in the past, though none have stood out or floated my boat. The Lords of Khaos: Ironwood has changed both of those and I'm happy to say, it's changed for the good. The oh-so good!

Cherry picks up where Lesleigh left off, and pandas, shifters and bears, oh my did it get left with a doozy of a cliffhanger. Thankfully for a cliffhanger (aka 'Cliffy') phobe like me, K.O. gave me the heads up and I was able to enjoy part one to their story without being angry at the author for leaving the story where it was left. I could enjoy the read and look forward to picking up part two as and when. The 'when' is now and was worth the wait in gold.

This story is the literal literary journey from what it means to sink to the lowest of the low and ride the sweet bike to destination happily ever after. Though most of the focus is on Cherry and her road to recovery from the dark themes named at the beginning of my review, Lesleigh has his own demons to battle so that he can be the mate he thinks she deserves, then the mate he knows she deserves. Seeing the two navigate their own paths, their own inner demons to be able to face the bigger challenges ahead and any obstacles that may come their way was just --chefs kiss--, superbly written. I couldn't have written a better darkness-to-light story if I tried.

Of course, there was a time or two where I wanted to reach into the page and smack Lesleigh--occasionally Cherry too--upside the head, but that's what I love about a good book. And you know when you read a good book when it makes you want to physically climb on inside and interact with the characters within. Cherry was that book, and not just for the moments for slapping upside heads or eye-rolling. Those PG-18 steamy scenes...woah! I'm seriously leaving this as a suggestion to the author, kindly make Lesleigh to be able to be ordered at a link in your Linktree. It will be most appreciated.

Praise has to be given for K.O.'s entire team. From her Sisters of the Page, her tribe, her book wife and fellow author Miri Stone, Mariah Thayer (editor), WaH friends and looper buddies--they'll know who they are--please know that all of your help and support into the creation and birth of this book has not been for nothing. An author is an author regardless of who they do or don't have behind them, but you all have helped shape one hell of a read and K.O. should be proud--and probably is--of each and every single one of you. You're an asset to her and the final result speaks more than volumes to each and every one of your involvements. Well done!

Five stars for Cherry, and for my dear K.O.Newman