A review by paddlefoot55
Walk Into Me by Jill Prand


ARC received for an honest review

Walk Into Me continues where "Watch Me Walk Away" ends so you should probably read it before hand (though it could be read as a stand alone)

This is the story of the love triangle between Lisa, Bobby and Brad.

Gah! What is it with procrastinating women leading on two good men?!?!?!

Anyway, carry on.

Bobby has always been in love with Bobby, but he has a habit of walking away and leaving her broken hearted.

Brad is the guy who has been in love with Lisa for eternity. He is her best friend. Steady, dependable. Always there for her.

Lisa flip flops between the two guys, and gees Louise it was like a tennis match!!

Lisa, Lisa, Lisa. I really, really wanted to love Lisa, but grrrrrr man she annoyed the heck out of me! More than once I wanted to climb into my kindle and slap some sense into her. The way she strung Brad along was torture!

I spent the first half of the book wanting to yell at Lisa to make her choice damn it, and the second half of the book wanting to scream at Brad to move on, she's not worth the heartache!!

My heart shattered over and over for Brad. How could he keep going back to her? For that I wanted to slap some bloody sense into him. I mean yeah, the heart wants what the heart wants, but the way she kept using him

Then there is Bobby. I am still not sure what I feel for Bobby. His history with Lisa was a bit dodgy and some of the things that he does... not sure of him.

Who does Lisa end up with? Will anyone get their HEA?

For that you are going to have to read for yourself.

Ms Prand has written a book that frustrated the hell out of me, but I got completely sucked into the soap opera that is Lisa's life. It had been a while since I read the first book, so it took me a bit to remember what had happened, but once I got back into it I enjoyed it.