A review by jasreads24
Big Ben by Nana Malone


I’m being generous with 3 stars, it’s probably more like 2.5-2.75 but I couldn’t finish, I’m halfway through and I’m bored and I know nothing about these characters but surface level information. One thing I’m confident in is that they really want to fuck each other, ok but what else???? They literally can’t stop saying how much they want to fuck, like it’s laid on THICK.

There’s so much going on in this book and the author fails to let us in on the secrets. It’s a secret society, it’s a heist going on, it’s a death that is apparently driving this whole plot, it’s romance, or more like lust, characters are getting targeted with muggings, and I still don’t know what happening. It’s all over the place and sometimes the tone of the book is inconsistent. For the most part , it’s really serious and solemn, then one part it gets silly and lighthearted, then back to serious. It’s confusing.

While reading this I just felt like I walked into a conversation that started 10 minutes ago and no one is explaining what the conversation is about but instead they keep going and the conversation gets deeper and deeper and I’m just getting more lost.

And one thing that bothers me is one of the main characters is named Olivia but each chapter she has is titled “Livy” and no one ever calls her that!!!! Like it’s weird and pointless.