A review by rc90041
Nixonland: The Rise of a President and the Fracturing of America by Rick Perlstein


Imagine some nerdy but likable dork with maybe a serious caffeine-abuse issue, edging into possibly amphetamine abuse, who maybe had too soft a spot for Hunter S. Thompson, and had locked himself in a room full of old copies of the New York Times, Time, the Washington Post, Rolling Stone, Life, old videotapes of national news broadcasts, Laugh In, The Today Show, political ads, etc. for a year or so, and this is what you get. It's incredibly dense and full of documentary detail, almost to the point of disorientation, especially when combined with Perlstein's alarmingly-overcaffeinated style: You can hear him frantically pounding keys on his laptop, laughing to himself at the absurd little details. A rich, immersive experience. But you'll need to crash afterwards.