A review by lindakat
Never Ever by Sara Saedi


*was rounding up to 3 stars but lowered down to 2 (from 2.5) because writing this review made me cranky with the book all over again.

-The first part of this book was an absolute hot mess, the MC was ridiculous, knowing that it was wrong to leave a party with a stranger she done it anyway because he was hot. Surprise, surprise not everything was as it seemed. I would have preferred if she was just naive to the point of stupidity instead she overlooked all her misgivings because pretty boys are worth it, to the point where she went to text here friend her location but chose not to because she didn't want to have it interrupt the moment with the hot stranger.

-Wylie complained that the hot, strange boy only took her to McDonald's; FFS you just went off with a stranger and you're complaining he never took you to a fancy restaurant, don't be such a pretentious, ignorant snob.

-The fact she went with the boy in the first place, her brother Joshua (I too have a brother Joshua), was meant to be going to jail the next day (the sentence hadn't been passed, this is not how the law works) and she left his going away party to hang with aforementioned strange, hot boy; no one who claimed they loved their siblings as much as she did would abandon them for a stranger.

At this point I stayed reading because I wanted to know what happened when the Dalton kids got the Minor island; it didn't improve.
-Wylie had attitude over her brother for falling for a girl on the island because it was too soon; it hadn't even been 24 hours that she had known Phinn (dude who drugged and kidnapped her and her brothers) and she was completely smitten for him but that was ok because he was hot and she knew him. Ha.

-There was this one point where the girls had to all line up to get birth control pills at the same time every day in order not to fall pregnant, the following is why I hated that whole plot:
1. It was used so the MC could show how edgy she was for standing up to Phinn because women deserve to have control over their own body - I completely agree but the whole scene didn't fit in the book it just felt so strange.
2. I'm assuming Phinn stole The Pill from the mainland, he broke into a Chemist/Pharmacist/Drug store to still birth control but couldn't swipe condoms???
3. Not every birth control pill is created equally, different girls need different pills or it could completely f their hormone levels up, where side-effects could be as extreme as causing a stroke.
4. The Pill isn't 100% at pregnancy prevention, all birth control has a margin of error, just cause they were taking it didn't mean pregnancy was 100% guaranteed not to happen.

-Phinn absolved Wylie from the reason Joshua was going to jail as if it, blaming her parents arguing for her stupid decisions. Firstly Phinn just wanted to get laid, he would have said anything, secondly NO ONE, no matter what age, can blame others for their actions or choices; it was a really bad lesson to teach.

What I did actually like about this book:
I liked Lola and Tink, if Wylie wasn't so pathetic she would have seen through Phinn's utter BS and realised how badly Tink had been treated. She was a damn gutsy character but every labeled her as a crazy.

So, not great, wouldn't even recommend to the target audience because the lessons in it were horrendous and in the real world I'd be horrified/terrified for anyone if they acted at all in the way the kids did in this book. I was real disappointed because I usually love reading fairy tale retellings and a dark Peter Pan sounded amazing, but no it wasn't.