A review by z523
This Vicious Cure by Emily Suvada


This has been a crazy series with plenty of twists that I didn’t see coming. And I am not talking about little things, but twists that shift the entire direction of the story. I counted two of these with plenty of smaller ones.

Overall, Jun Bei is somewhat of an anti-hero. Not exactly a good guy. She drove me crazy at times when she would get alerts saying she was low on sleep and energy, and that her body would shut down without food or sleep, but she says “I don’t have time to eat or sleep. I have to keep going.” Does she not realize that passing out would be more time consuming than taking care of herself? I thought she was supposed to be smart. Eat a cheeseburger already!

The book only gets 4 stars though because the ending was just way too convenient. The only thing missing was everyone gathering around to sing kumbaya.

Overall, I greatly enjoyed this series.

Reading scavenger hunt: author’s initials are an element on the periodic table

Es = Einsteinium