A review by amity321
Once Upon a Goat by Dan Richards, Eric Barclay


Why hasn't a fairy godmother left me a bunch of baby goats on my doorstep? Life is unfair.

UPDATE: [a:Eric Barclay|6907859|Eric Barclay|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1446047300p2/6907859.jpg], author/illustrator extraordinaire and illustrator of this particular book, liked this review, so I can only hope that he grants my wish and sends me a baby goat soon.

UPDATE 2.0: the fabulous [a:Dan Richards|620579|Dan Richards|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1530777648p2/620579.jpg], author of this lovely book, also liked this review. High fives all around to you both! Still waiting on my baby goat, though...

In all seriousness, all my friends with kids of the non-goat kind will be getting this book for Christmas, and obviously I will be keeping one for myself because have you seen that baby goat on the cover? The adorable factor is off the charts.