A review by heabooknerd
Her Orc Gentleman by Zoe Ashwood


HER ORC GENTLEMAN finally brings us Ozork's story and I'm so happy this gentle warrior has finally found a mate! I liked Willow's spunk and her determination and while she's lived a fairly privileged life she's not afraid of hard work and she takes a stand once she realizes some of the shady things her uncle, the Duke, is doing. She's a fierce woman and a good match for Ozork who is ready to worship the ground she walks on as soon as he meets her. Ozork has waited a long time for a mate and to finally have a family of his own and I loved the way he welcomed and appreciated Willow.

We also got to see lots of Owen, Willow's guard, and I can't wait for his story with Mara! I've been dying for her story since book 1 because we need more lady orcs as main characters in romance. Every book in this series is fun, steamy, and just a delight to read.