A review by hmalmal
Tempting the Negotiator by Zana Bell


Tempting the Negotiator looks like a mindless, panty dropping, steamy read. But, that's not quite the case.

Sash, or Sass, is your typical uptight lawyer who has complete control over everything in her life, only allowing herself to smoke as a reprieve from her lists and closely watched life. She works for a resort company taking over pieces of land in different countries and islands and putting up a paradise resort that people can spend a week in. This works for the most part until she shows up for her final project that will get her the promotion she needs and is met by a man, some teenagers, and...birds.

If I had to guess what this story was about based off of the cover, I would say there would be some poor excuse for a plot and a bunch of "squatting in the cucumber patch." However, there's lots of politics and boring paragraphs as we listen to EVERY SINGLE PERSON'S opinion on the resort.

The thing I disliked about Tempting the Negotiator was how cliche everything was. From the characters, to the beginning of the story, to the romance, to the end, nothing was really a surprise since it all just went with the normal clichés that have already been set up.