A review by xhez
The Summer Garden by Paullina Simons


Spoilers from the first two books!!! Do not read this if you have not read [b:The Bronze Horseman|6323104|The Bronze Horseman (The Bronze Horseman, #1)|Paullina Simons|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1362314485s/6323104.jpg|12615171] and [b:Tatiana and Alexander|7180853|Tatiana and Alexander (The Bronze Horseman #2)|Paullina Simons|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1362314851s/7180853.jpg|594714]! And if you have not read them, then what the hell are you waiting for?

What an amazing journey this book has been for me!! I really am not capable of starting a new book after finishing reading this one!! I need some time to recover myself....
Anyway, now I have to start writing a review, something I haven't done for months (reviews only with gifs don't count). Why? Because I am lazy, I can't see to find the time and things like that but I couldn't let one of my favorite books of all time without a review. Yeah, you read it right!! One of my favorite books of all time!!!!

I'm a teen and as all the girls, I dream finding my true love one day. I (all the girls) dream of that perfect ending. This epic love history doesn't end with the reunion of the main protagonists who have finally married and on top of that are also having a baby,( having endured famine, death, defeat, unimaginable losses and war). It continues because there are still despicable humans (Dimitri I'm abhorred by you!) who try to come between their immense love. So book one finishes and of course we move on immediately to book two. Their longing for each other in this book is so tangible. Their desperation and starvation and hope for each other tore my heart. Finally when I've read more than three-quarter of the book they meet in one of the most horrible places. But luck shines to them this time. They can finally return to America when their little son, Anthony is waiting.

Well it seems like there can't be anything separating them anymore. I literally thought there could not be anything!! But boy, was I so wrong!!

This book is the most special one of the trilogy (based solely on my opinion) because it shows how a great beautiful love survives in the everyday post-war America. Alexander and Tatiana are faced with their greatest obstacle: a normal life when their souls are left in Leningrad and shattered by war. Can Tatiana save her newly-formed family? She doesn't know this new Alexander. Alexander doesn't entirely know his Tania.

However they struggle to come out of their dark abyss because they LOVE unconditionally irrevocably helplessly each other.

And so on and on, this book continues covering 60 years of these amazing characters introducing new believable well-crafted ones who make us feel profound emotions.
At one point, I seriously freaked out! I thought that Tania and Shura reached their breaking point!!! Fortunately they passed yet another test and may I add, with flying colors!!!
And as for the other characters:
1)My heart wept for Anthony...for this incredible strong man just like his father.
2)I felt sorry for Vikki and her character had just the right (a little too convenient?) ending.
3)I felt respect for Rechter and Sam Gulotta!
4)I clenched my fists in anger every time Carmen would show up in the book.
5)I liked Francesca (she taught Tania so many Mexican recipes, how could I not like her?)
6)I couldn't stand Alexander's boss of that building company and his son (see, I can't even remember their names!!) I seethed with anger every time their disgraced faces would show up.
7)And of course I couldn't let without mentioning Pasha, Harry and Janie, these adorable children who in the end of the book are having their own babies.

If in the previous books of the trilogy I somehow managed to not cry, this book succeed in this department, not once but twice!!!

What really shocked the though, not only on this book, but on the entire trilogy was the verity and genuineness with which this great love is described. These characters are so real that I feel like I can meet with any of them in a street someday. And I loved the interludes in this book and in the second one because we are able to see how Tatiana and Alexander, these two immensely strong determined characters passed their childhood.

To conclude, Simons' writing style is detailed, enriched, full of raw emotions. I definitely recommend [b:The Summer Garden|7155362|The Summer Garden (The Bronze Horseman, #3)|Paullina Simons|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1311924479s/7155362.jpg|2098474] to anyone and make no mistake folks, this book, despite the first ones, was not about love, but LIFE filled with love.