A review by 2econdsightsillies
Scout's Honor by Lily Anderson


TW//slight spoilers

This book was absolutely amazing!
I’d first like to say that I saw someone else on here say they think it’s better for young teenagers and I think I like it so much because if that.
I love how this was written. There were a good few funny parts like on page 124 where Sasha said “this was an A and B conversation so C your way out of it” or on page 178 Avi, said “Oh no we disappointed her to death” when prudence had a panic attack.
I will say she did kind of just get over her PTSD but not without a fight. She faced her fears strongly and her anxiety was addressed nicely throughout the story.
The huge fight and the reveals at the end made everything come together.
I also love how at the end, prudence can proudly show off the scar she couldn’t show off before.
There were a few mistakes in spelling and writing but you can easily get over it
Again, it might just be because I haven’t read many books, but this is a new favorite and definitely going on my shelf.