A review by egbella
Iskold Sommer i Vildmarken by Mary Jane Auch


Although this is the second book of the trilogy, I've never read any of the other books in the series, and this stands on its own just fine. I read it several times when I was younger, and it held up to what I remembered on this most recent reread.

It's by no means the happiest of stories, but it is well-researched, nuanced, and does a great job showing what life during that time and in that area was like. I appreciate how she showed that the parents of the story were both flawed and that life was hard for them as well. And even though, at times, I felt like Mem was being portrayed as too strong and perfect of a protagonist, I admired her strength, perseverance, and ability to love and respect her parents, despite the issues that arose.

The ending was sad, and not my favorite way to resolve some of the story problems, but overall, it's a memorable, quick, and gripping read.