A review by lcmarie19
Broken Skies by Theresa Kay


**This book was sent to me by the publisher in exchange for an honest review**


This story was a tale of awesome. It was a mix between paranormal, sci-fi, dystopian, romance and fantasy all in one. It's really hard for me to classify and I don't think I want to. It was just a REALLY well-written, well-delivered book. I've never heard of Theresa Kay before, but I know who she is now. And I will be reading more of her books.

BROKEN SKIES follows Jax Mitchell and her journey to save her twin brother, Jace, from the aliens that kidnapped him. But through that journey, she discovers that there is more to these aliens and that not everything she's been told about them is exactly true.

I just had a blast with this book. Kay has a fantastic way with world building and character development. This book has such strong aspects of both. The world and the characters worked so well together and carried equal weight throughout the story. I never felt that one overpowered the other. The balance was perfect.

I loved the dystopian spin that Kay put on this story as well. Yes, there were aliens, but she also gave the human world its own subplot in that it was dystopian in nature, thus giving it its own set of problem. SO depending on what setting you were in (alien world vs. human world), the genre almost switched. It was SO clever and so well done!

The new terminology in the book was interesting and different enough for me to really fall in love with it. The aliens were different yet familiar. It was just the perfect amount of intrigue.

These characters were so well written -- from Flint to Jace to Jax to Lir -- I just kept loving every character that came across the page. Whether I was supposed to like the character or hate them, the emotions that you get from just encountering them, regardless of how brief, it definitely left a mark. Each character has a role and it was definitely utilized. The growth of Jax was probably my favorite part of the book. She started off as this traumatized and scared teenager, who had to step up to the plate when she was needed. Her progression was phenomenal.

I really liked her relationship/friendship with Lir, who is another fantastic character with an air of mystery that eventually lent itself to the unsolved ending.

Jax made the book for me, but so did these other characters and just the whole dual worlds throughout this book. Jax just went through so much, but utilized it in a way that showed you how strong she was. Of course, she's a teenager girl and that will be very apparent in some parts of the book, but it's very easy top appreciate the type of character she is. And I love what Kay did with her. And with the others.

I highly recommend this book. But beware --- don't think you're going to be full resolution in book one. I knew that probably about halfway through the book and I knew how it would end probably around the final third of the book. But... it worked for me. Surprisingly. I can't wait for the next book!