A review by ashureads
Loveless by Alice Oseman


I feel like this past week has been bad. That's why I only posted a simple picture, I've not been in the right mood to set up things for photos. I think this last week things have happened that will change my whole life, as sad as it is, for the better. I've come to accept that I don't fit with some people anymore but I've slowly been accepting that. Although it's made me upset, angry, hateful. I have managed to let those negative feelings go and look onto the bright side. I'm applying for jobs, meeting new people every day. I think that loveless has helped me accept a part of me and get through the past week. When i look back on my younger self who was so sad I want to say "stop overthinking a reason to live" because I've found joy and reasons in the small things. A new book by my favourite author, a new song by my favourite artist or even having conversations with people in this community. Loveless reflected so much of my younger self. I related to Georgia a lot I love romance novels, movies but when it comes down to myself it's complicated. I'm on the aro ace spectrum, when i was younger I really hated that part of me. I feel like I still hadn't accepted it to this day. But reading loveless made me realise there are other people like me. I'm not weird or some fake aro ace because I like romace (yes i used to think that-). I'll forever be thankful to Alice and the books she rights. I get closure with myself and learn to accept different parts of me. I think anyone should read this book, whether you're aro or ace, questioning, or figured things out. I learnt more than just acceptance but that friendships are a really powerful thing (and it's not some made up concept for a kids show). One of my favourite characters we're Sunil. I thought everything he said was brilliant from what he said to Lloyd to his speech. I think "just because you're gay doesn't mean you can't be a bigot" will be a quote I remember forever and possibly be my favourite quote ever? Sunil spoke facts let's be honest.

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