A review by staceyleigh22
Crossroads by Devney Perry

emotional inspiring


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✔️ small town romance 
✔️ cowboy 
✔️ second chance romance 
✔️ tension 🔥

Haven River Ranch is home, a place of hope, love and comfort. While Indya left, it was impossible for her to stay away in the end, the ranch and all it stands for calling to her despite the distance. 

Even with the tension between West and Indya, West is still protective, still cares, as much as he wills himself not to. A sliver of hope exists between them.

With Crossroads, Devney has captured the beauty of small-town ranching life, interweaving West and Indya’s love story so beautifully and so deeply with the ranch and lifestyle. I think I found part of myself within the pages of Crossroads, a sense of family and belonging. 

Crossroads is a small-town cowboy romance that captivates you. Devney’s prose forces you to appreciate the pastoral and ranching life, creating this connection to make you feel a part of a landscape you’ve never visited before, but so desperate to. The longing I felt for Montana was so intense. Devney has an undeniable and unconditional love for Montana, and her adoration for her the landscape shines through in this story through West and Indya’s love of this ranch. 

Intertwined between dual timelines, Devney crafts a beautiful narrative exploring, life, love and loss, somehow managing to pull on your heartstrings, break you, and then weave you back together with the threads of love from within Haven River Ranch. West and Indya are tethered, regardless of time, there’s always something connecting them, bringing them closer until they collide again.

Set across the years, glimpses of West and Indya growing up together, one snapshot at a time, fills your heart. The anticipation builds as we learn more, and West and Indya learn each other in stolen moments.

Devney Perry makes you feel at home in Crossroads, so loved and appreciated among those who love you, even just of bits and pieces. 

Crossroads is an incredibly deep and moving small-town romance about the power of second chances, of hope. Indya and West are clearly meant for each other, tethered across time, finally coming together when it matters most. They will stay with me. Crossroads was everything I needed and more, Devney’s way with words and ability to make you fall in love with her characters and a breathtaking place you’ve never seen, making you yearn to be part of her world, the families she creates.

Safe to say, Devney has made me want to move to a small town ranch, appreciate the stunning landscape and way of life and marry a rancher 🤠

It’s undeniable that this series by Devney will take the cowboy and small-town romance lovers by storm and set the standard with this incredibly deep story.